Writing on Vacation Chapter 1 Novelists Block

Writing on Vacation


Chapter 1


Novelists Block


Warning Horrific does not read Yuck. Nightmare material. 


In the darkness of night larks the shadow, however, the light glows stronger in time of need. Devan tossed another page from his typewriter, grabbed the empty pot and cursed. Begin making another pot of coffee. 


Devan’s publisher believed a change of senary would assist in his ability to write, but it only changed the location of a trash can. Devan went to purchase a laptop before the tree huggers stock him. He chose a Macintosh as he had one in the past before he went old school, loving the sound of a typewriter. However, he would keep the sound and feel just adapt https://www.usbtypewriter.com/collections/kits 


Order placed over night shipping. Devan looked at the pile of paper. Unwilling to kill any more trees and not quite ready to set up his new computer, he put on his jacket and exited the old cabin. 


The family cabin was his grandfathers’ Devan always thought gramps had a strange sense of humor. Devan smelled something cooking. It was kinda like chicken, but not. Exactly, he wondered what exotic spices they used. Sometime even a new spice can lead a writer down a story line. As Deven toped the hill, he saw a horror show, a woman and man cooking over a fire pit, two older gentlemen taking turns turning them so they cook evenly, a young girl cried in a cage designed to let her watch. The older of the two men yelled, hey Devan, is your grandfather with you? Devan replied, no he passed away last year in the nursing home. Covid got him. 


You came for the festival he must have told you all about. It we kept the young one alive for him as he enjoyed the tender veal and he loved cooking it alive. An apple keeps sheriffs away after all. We own the police anyway, but now and then a new one ends up dead, as he won’t accept the way things are here.  


Devan used every bit of his skills in interviewing killers for his books to look interested instead of revealing that he almost vomited. Devan then Said how is the family Carl Chase and you Vince Patrick. I was a small boy the last time I was at either of your homes.  


All is well. They are following the family teachings. Next year our sons and daughters will join us here eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood. The girls have finished learning obedience and our sons have as well. We well schooled them in all the teachings. 


I assume your grandfather schooled you. Which close friend did you kill to get the right to be here tonight? And did you enjoy having sex with the corpse? Carl said it was my childhood friend, a young black man whom was the son of a servant. My dad was so proud of me for choosing him. Vince then smiled. I chose my first love as she had left me for Carl. Carl laughed. Ya, I am still miffed at you over that. She kept screaming for me to help. I wanted to help you, but you had to do. It yourself.  


Devan did all he could to keep from shaking, but the men had guns and enjoyed killing. Any sign he was not part of their group and beliefs and he might be on the menu. It was the day of the dead festival. He remembered his grandfather’s excitement every year and his trek to the cabin. Carl said, well who did you kill Devan? 


Devan did not know if it was a test or a question. What if that was not a true ritual, and they were seeking answers? Devan used a disappearance from his hometown, a young girl he was friends with who just vanished a few years ago. Vince laughed your Grandpa started you early then he bragged about eating that girl so he let you kill her with him. How close of a friend was she? Devan replied she was unobtainable, so gramps got her for me and I got two first in one night. Devan’s writing skills playing a major part in his story. 


Oh, that old fox, he got you a twofer. Your first rape and your first kill all in one. Kinda and let down, though Vince said, enjoyed them separate so much would not have wanted them together. Carl agreed it was more of a cheat, as you did not get to do them separate. Well, you can do both with the girl in the cage later, so it will kinda make up for it.  


Devan looked at the young nude child and smiled, trying to make a look of hunger in his face. Both Carl and Vince said tomorrow as tonight we feast on her parents as she watches, then we take blood from her to get high after lengthy playtime. We will extract her gland from her brain and share it three ways.  


Devan was going to eat human flesh soon. How can he? But if he was to save his life and the life of the young girl, he needed to return to his grandfather’s cabin and get a gun. Then he only stood an infinitesimal chance if he could catch the two men off guard and kill them. 


Devan pulled himself together and knew he had to play his part just like Steve Smith’s Secret Agent Man had in all Devan’s books. 


Carl pulled out a large knife and ask Vince what he wanted as the first cut of meat and on whom. Vince laughed you know I am a ladies’ man and I love hips. Carl then ask Devan and he replied, I am a breast man. I love chicken breast. Vince laughed. Human breast is all fat no meat you will get the inner thy it is the tenderest meat on long-pig. 


Devan then asks if they had hot sauce or something. Carl replied, no you know better than that. Stop with the jokes. We only dip into the ceremonial sauce. Which is both male and female seminal fluid, breast milk, and adrenalectomy infused Childs Blood.  


Devan laughed to cover his panic. Once the two older men started drinking and offered Devan some, he refused, saying he did not bring his insulin with him and drinking could put him in danger.  


Carl replied, good thing long-pig, don’t make your sugar go up and the special sauce does not either. Devan then said I will return to grampa’s cabin later to get my kit. Carl replied, don’t be gone too long as you can’t leave for any length of time. Mostly bathroom breaks. We have gone and got a shower, but that is about all.  


Devan replied I would not want to miss anything. When will be the best time to go? Vince said just after we eat, there is a rest period before the dancing and mongering begins. That is why we shower during that time. 


We need to be as pure as possible to bring forth our demonic guides and keep the family fortune secure. A few more will join us just before the dancing as they are home eating with their families. It is why your grandmother always had special meat for your grandfather before he left. They would hunt. Together he was so lonely after Marry died. 


Devan’s plan was falling apart if others showed up. He might not save the girl. Carl raised his glass to Mary and John Archer. Amazing people and good friends. Vince replied and to their Grandson John Archer, whom has large shoes to fill. 


Devan held up his glass of child blood, replying to the Archers. May they rest in peace. Devan spotted a stream of lights that looked like the Orcs’ invasion on the Lord of the rings. It was the vehicles and horse trailers filled with the people for tomorrow’s event. 


The number of vehicles had to be in the thousands. He now understood why the road looked to be four lanes when most roads to places like his grandfather’s cabin were a single lane. He also understood the massive amount of camper hookups. Panic filled Devan. The two men were really drunk and away from them. Guns he walked to, the guns grabbed one shot of the two men before they could react and got the nude child out of the cage pur her over his shoulders and bargain to run. 

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